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23 results
Sean Becker
Partner — Labor & Employment
Employment-related challenges can present some of the most important, and sensitive, issues that our clients face. I help them manage those matters by leveraging my experience as a litigator, transactional lawyer and advisor. Together, my colleagues and I provide highly practical, commercial advice and resolve sensitive employment matters efficiently and effectively.
Ryan Carney
Partner — Tax
I enjoy partnering with my clients to help them understand complex tax issues and solve tax problems in creative ways. The added bonus of my practice is that I get to work with great people both inside and outside the firm.
Marissa Giles
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
I'm an aggressive litigator who's not afraid to take a case to court. Whether a case ends up in trial or we pursue a settlement, my goal is always to reach a quick, favorable, and strategic resolution for my clients.
Stephen M. Gill
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets
My practice involves a lot of counseling. Most of the time I'm dealing with members of boards of public companies who are very well accomplished in their respective fields. But they're facing bet-the-company transactions, often for the first time. I’m helping really smart people accomplish their strategic objectives.
John M. Grand
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity
Clients call when they have complicated transactions and need timely, thoughtful and commercial solutions. It’s always gratifying to be a part of the solution and help clients achieve their goals.
Eric Klein
Partner — Intellectual Property
Douglas E. McWilliams
Partner — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
Sarah K. Morgan
Partner — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
One of the things I like best about my work is that I get to be deeply involved in my clients’ businesses. I like developing close relationships with my clients and working with them to find creative and efficient ways to solve complex problems and achieve their goals.
Jackson O'Maley
Partner — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
Danielle Patterson
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
I work hard to find the specific right answers for my clients, and I think they appreciate my ability to separate the signal from the noise in a given situation. This is especially true in the energy industry, which is endlessly dynamic, from upstream oil and gas to renewables.
Chris Rowley
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity
Complex business transactions are unpredictable and challenging to manage. I believe one of the best things we can do for our clients is to efficiently break down tasks, identify priorities, communicate clearly across working groups, and enable the business and legal teams to focus on creative solutions to the key commercial problems with maximum focus and clarity.
Scott D. Rubinsky
Partner — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
I love the collaborative nature of my work. I like getting to know clients on a personal level, and learning about their businesses and what’s important to them. This helps me provide the best legal advice I can offer over the long term.