Krystal Tapper
2200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 500 West
Washington, D.C. 20037

Krystal focuses her practice on natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline, and electricity transmission and regulation, and represents clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Prior to joining the firm, she was an attorney-advisor in FERC’s Office of the General Counsel – Energy Projects. In addition to having extensive experience related to comprehensive hydropower plans under the Federal Power Act, she also advised on matters concerning preliminary permit applications, FERC’s policy statement on the certification of new interstate natural gas facilities, and assessments of the environmental impacts of natural gas projects under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA).
As part of FERC’s Office of Enforcement, Division of Investigations, Krystal gained valuable experience in matters related to fraud and market manipulation, violations of North American Electric Reliability Corporation reliability standards, facility ratings methodology, and regional transmission organization operating procedures.
The following is a list of representative matters in which Krystal has assisted.
Experience Highlights
Assisting natural gas pipelines in project development, including obtaining certificates of public convenience and necessity and related appeals
Assisting a natural gas pipeline regarding NGA section 3 authorizations and Presidential Permits issued by FERC to permit construction of natural gas pipeline facilities across the United States-Mexico border
Assisting natural gas pipeline companies in NGA section 4 general rate cases and NGA section 5 investigations and in matters of compliance, standards of conduct, and tariff implementation
Representing a regional transmission organization (RTO) in capacity market reforms for generating resources capacity to sustain and predict operation such that the resource will be reliably available to provide energy and reserves in an emergency condition following Winter Storm Elliott
Representing an RTO in an inter-regional coordination to regulate market-based and traditional congestion management methodologies to ensure that parallel flows and impacts are recognized and controlled in a manner that consistently ensures system reliability
Representing a natural gas pipeline in a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the Regional Energy Access Expansion Project
Assisting a natural gas pipeline in authorizing the operation and construction of the Border Facilities that will not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment
- American University Washington College of Law, J.D., 2020
- Florida State University, B.A. in Political Science and International Affairs, 2016
- Attorney-Advisor, Office of General Counsel – Energy Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (2020–2022)
- Legal Intern, Office of Enforcement, Division of Investigations, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (2019)
- Energy Bar Association
- Women’s Energy Network
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit