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24 results
Matt Dobbins
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Mortimer H. Hartwell
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
San Francisco
George C. Hopkins
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Washington, D.C.
Benjamin Lippard
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Washington, D.C.
Ronald J. Tenpas
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Washington, D.C.
My Justice Department experience helps clients make smart decisions about when to look to settle, and when to fight.
Jim Thompson of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Patrick Traylor
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Washington, D.C.
Brandon Tuck
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
George O. Wilkinson
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Eric Groten
Senior Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Some days, I’m in federal district court defending enforcement cases, or in dialogue with EPA and DOJ and NGO lawyers to resolve them. Some days, at clients’ operations, working through their permitting strategies in support of development plans, or investigating compliance issues. So I get to do most things lawyers do, but with a focus on obligations imposed by the laws governing air quality.
Lewis Cooper Sutherland
Senior Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Michael B. Wigmore
Senior Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Washington, D.C.