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11 results
Michael Charlson
Partner — Shareholder Litigation & Enforcement
San Francisco
Los Angeles
I like to get my hands dirty and really learn my cases thoroughly. I try to understand how the situation in which the client finds itself could have happened. And I'm pretty good at creating a narrative so that laypeople who have no familiarity with a very complicated business or technology can understand the matter.
Jorge Medina of Vinson and Elkins Los Angeles
Partner — Tax
Los Angeles
Clients appreciate that I provide a broader prospective when delivering advice, having spent over 20 years in renewable energy doing everything from working in an in-house capacity, to serving in a senior business role, to leading renewable energy and infrastructure practice groups at major law firms.
Mike Scarborough
Caroline L. Kuehn
Counsel — Energy Transactions & Projects
Robert Landicho
Counsel — International Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
Maram Mahajna
Senior Associate — Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets
Meghan Natenson
Senior Associate — Complex Commercial Litigation
San Francisco
Brent Schoradt
Senior Associate — Energy Transactions & Projects
Los Angeles
Associate — Complex Commercial Litigation
San Francisco
Ryan Sun
Associate — Complex Commercial Litigation
Waleed Vohra
Associate — Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets