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142 results
Vanessa Griffith
General Counsel, Partner
East Berhane of Vinson and Elkins Dallas
Partner — Finance
Mike Bielby
Partner — Finance
The most interesting part for me is learning about how both my lender and borrower clients make money. Learning about their businesses, how they achieve success, and how they plan to continue that success. That understanding allows me to offer better counsel on a given transaction.
Jo Ann Biggs
Partner — Energy Regulation
Abby Branigan
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets
Jeff Crough
Partner — Complex Commercial Litigation
Prentiss Cutshaw
Partner — Real Estate
I like the tangible nature of real estate, as opposed to businesses that merge in and out of existence. I like to be able to drive down the road and see a building that I’ve helped acquire, helped lease and then sold.
David C. D'Alessandro
Partner — Executive Compensation & Benefits
I enjoy coming to work each day and practicing as an executive compensation attorney. I feel that is reflected in the work that I produce, the relationships I have with my clients, and my interactions with the team I work with at Vinson & Elkins.
Rebecca Fike
Partner — Shareholder Litigation & Enforcement, Government Investigations & White Collar Defense
Rebecca Fike brings a wealth of experience from her time in the SEC. She is noted for her in-depth knowledge of securities and her ability to handle complex investigations on behalf of clients. . . . She really knows how to effectively guide her clients in this space [Chambers Review].
Brad Foxman
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization